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Choose appropriate security options related to node integration, content security policies, etc #870

Closed davemfish closed 2 years ago

davemfish commented 3 years ago

We may or may not be doing things the "right way" regarding the options enabled in our app's renderer process. If a rendererer process ever renders third-party content (e.g. from a website on the internet) then these things would be a big deal. Since we don't do that, I'm not sure if they are a big deal or not.

Right now, we give the renderer access to the local node runtime. That allows for using require in the index.html to load the whole front-end. See the isntantiation of new BrowserWindow in main.js.

In addition to nodeIntegration, there's the related issue of enableRemoteModule, mentioned in natcap/invest-workbench#45 , as well as worldSafeExecuteJavaScript and contextIsolation, which Electron warns about in when the app starts up.

Some resources:

davemfish commented 3 years ago

I could use some help deciding what is appropriate for our use-case because I don't know much on these topics.

dcdenu4 commented 3 years ago

Notes from Electron Security Tutorial:

Take away from below notes:

In fact, the most popular Electron apps (Atom, Slack, Visual Studio Code, etc) display primarily local content (or trusted, secure remote content without Node integration) – if your application executes code from an online source, it is your responsibility to ensure that the code is not malicious.

By updating Electron to the latest version, you ensure that critical vulnerabilities (such as nodeIntegration bypasses) are already patched and cannot be exploited in your application.

Common web vulnerabilities, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), have a higher security impact on Electron applications hence it is highly recommended to adopt secure software development best practices and perform security testing.

⚠️ Under no circumstances should you load and execute remote code with Node.js integration enabled. Instead, use only local files (packaged together with your application) to execute Node.js code. To display remote content, use the tag or BrowserView, make sure to disable the nodeIntegration and enable contextIsolation.

davemfish commented 3 years ago

@emlys I did a little reading about this. I still don't think I understand it 100%, but here's my take on what/how we might need to refactor in order to comply with electron's best-practices of contextIsolation: true. Writing it down to help myself understand...

If all the Node API functionality needs to happen in the main process, then we'll need to look across all our front-end js & jsx files for all uses of node modules like fs, path, os, child_process and probably a few others and replace those API calls with send or invoke IPC calls to functions running in the main process. So there will be a lot more EventListener-type logic. And we'll probably want to keep that well organized across different modules that can be imported by main.js - so that main.js doesn't get too cluttered.

The ipcRenderer API itself probably needs to go in the preload script, like you were showing me. I was stuck on the idea that the preload script might need to expose all those other node APIs too (fs, path, etc), but actually I think not, since we will move all those calls out of the renderer and into main. So I think those rather brief preload script examples we've been seeing are probably what we will need.

Then I was stuck on, "how can we import React and react-bootstrap etc if the renderer does not have Node's require API. And I think the answer there is, when we use babel (or webpack) to transpile, it presumably produces JS that runs in a browser without Node's require.

If we do a refactor like this, I think the vast majority of our tests should continue working without needing any changes themselves. But there probably exceptions, like the tests that mock the spawned invest subprocess.

I'm a little less intimidated by all this now than when we talked earlier, but it's definitely a fair bit of work. So I think we should decide as a team when the right time to do this is, before/after the beta milestone.

I also agree with all @dcdenu4 's points above. So I do feel safe releasing our app without these changes. At a minimum though we ought to make sure we aren't loading any code that hasn't been packaged with the binary (e.g. stylesheets from a CDN, etc).

davemfish commented 3 years ago

We'll discuss and decide what the right milestone is. Might depend on how urgently we want to do a beta release.

emlys commented 3 years ago

thanks for diving into this @davemfish! I had not realized we could avoid exposing all the node modules fs, path, etc. by invokeing them through ipcRenderer. That does make it somewhat less intimidating. I agree it's fine to put off for now and we can decide together when makes sense to make the transition.

davemfish commented 3 years ago

As part of these changes, we'll need to start using webpack instead of or in addition to babel to package the front-end code. Right now, we have babel generating node-compliant javascript, but for the front-end parts of the app, we then rely on electron's nodeIntegration to run that nodejs javascript in the browser.

In order to set nodeIntegration: false and contextIsolation: true, we'll need to generate browser-compliant javascript, and webpack is the tool for that.

davemfish commented 2 years ago

I think we're quite close to meeting all the requirements needed to flip the switch on these webPreferences

webPreferences: {
      contextIsolation: false, // should go true
      nodeIntegration: true, // should go false
      preload: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'preload.js'),

One more todo: remove use of crypto node module in the renderer. Should be very easy because we can use window.crypto.