natcap / urban-online-workflow

This repository hosts the beta implementation of the Urban Online ES Workflow. The project is intended to give urban planners the ability to create and assess scenarios using InVEST Urban models.
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Carbon "pools" invalid usage in our model #134

Open davemfish opened 3 months ago

davemfish commented 3 months ago

In the carbon pools biophysical table:


really means "embedded emissions", or the emissions that occur when the landcover transitions to the given type. Even if these numbers are negative, I'm not sure it makes sense to treat this a carbon "pool", summing it along with the other pools.

Also, wouldn't this "embedded emissions" value be a function of both the pre-transition LULC type and the post-transition type?


really means the amount of carbon emitted each year for the given landcover type. So this one does not make sense to treat as a carbon "pool", even if negative. We should probably exclude this from our Carbon modeling for the time being. Unless/until we want to do more advanced modeling with specific time-horizons and net present value calculations.

davemfish commented 3 months ago

It's a bug because right now in develop we are treating both of these as plain carbon pools, just like "aboveground, belowground, and soils".