Closed emmanueljourdan closed 11 years ago
Good idea, and we can then filter the list according to the platform the person is on.
It would also allow to have a different download link depending on the platform. Zsa.descriptors for instance comes in 3 spices ;-)
What I think we could do is have multiple links per package meaning for example we could have something like this:
"Zsa.descriptors": { "version": "1.0", "link_mac": "", "link_win32": "", "llink_win64": "", "relative_path": "None" }
Packages with only link specified would be assumed to be universal and would show for everyone. Packages with multiple platform would download the link according to that platform.
Sounds good. For the mac, it might be useful to also have a distinction between 32 and 64 bits, in case only one architecture is present (most of the externals are currently 32 bits only). Although this might be even more useful for #3.
FWIW, with TapTools and Jamoma my intention is to have a single package that has all of the platform binaries in it (universal). The externals folder will include .mxo, .mxe, and .mxe64 versions of all objects.
I think this is preferable for building collectives and standalones, but of course everyone may have their own opinions or only offer objects for a single platform.
I agree with Tim about universal packages, I think it's easier if Packages are universal. I think platform support is still required for packages that are platform specific. For example, only works on Mac 32 bits so it would make sense to only show it for that platform.
I agree on both ;-)
Emmanuel, I had a question regarding multiple packages per platform:
In the case of zsa.descriptors, since you have 3 packages, what happens if someone uses both win and mac or 2 architectures on Windows ? Since all packages live in the same folder regardless of the architecture/platform, how should we handle this ? For example, I could rename the folder with the achritecture/platform zsa.descriptors-win64 but if you have both in the packages, it could result in some conflicts because some files might be duplicated between packages ? Should Cycling have different Pacakges folder for each platform ?
Now implemented !
It would be nice if mac_package_downloader would support downloading platform specific libraries: