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Evernote search plugin: search when Evernote isn't open. #528

Open mvaneijgen opened 9 years ago

mvaneijgen commented 9 years ago

@dijs is this possible?

I thought the Evernote notes where stored somewhere in the Application Support folder with the name of the file being the title of the note. For me just searching the titles would be fine.

dijs commented 9 years ago

From a little research it looks like one could create a index of notes using the data stored in "application support/com.evernote.Evernote/..."

The application does support multiple accounts though, so which one would we search/index? All of them?

If Evernote is not already open, I am not sure if we can tell it to open a note. I am not sure on this though, its been a while.

So, theoretically, we could:

  1. Search the disk for notes using a query
  2. Return results (id, title, notebook) to the Flashlight window
  3. Open note upon clicking a result
mvaneijgen commented 9 years ago

Would love to create this, but i have jet to learn how to create flashlight plugins. I am never running Evernote if im not using this, so it would be lovely to search and open the note I need without having to open Evernote and search for it manually.

dijs commented 9 years ago

I might be able to work on this this weekend.