nate-parrott / Flashlight

The missing Spotlight plugin system
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Google is not working #531

Open Wongbloom opened 8 years ago

Wongbloom commented 8 years ago

I tried doing g (search), or google (search) but it does not work. It just searches stuff on my mac. I tried deleting and installing it again but that did not work either. Please help.

orbitly commented 8 years ago

Flashlight is abandonware, and doesn't work on the current version of OS X. The developer now works at Apple and cannot issue any updates.

Wongbloom commented 8 years ago

@orbitly So does that mean that it does not work/will not work anymore?

Sajonara commented 8 years ago

@Wongbloom Yes it does. At least right now.

But this is an interesting project and it is open source, so anyone could download the code and play around with it in Xcode and make it work again. I played a bit, but I had no luck in making it work, because I don't know very much about this kind of programming... But if you know someone, or maybe we could open a page with the possibility to donate money to someone who will fix it, maybe this will speed things up.

Sajonara commented 8 years ago

This makes me think of a feature which github should integrate... a donation button, so we could give guys like Nate something in return for his work.