Hi Nate! You did a lot of good work here since checkpoint 3 and have lots to be proud of. It looks like you learned quite a lot this semester and clearly have the ability to assess your own work quite well.
Following are my notes from a review of your presentation and code. In the interest of time, I focused a bit more on areas for improvement rather than kudos - of which many are deserved!
Project effectively utilizes the technologies and techniques specified in the project objectives
Considerations include:
Logging framework used, i.e., no System.out.println() or printStacktrace() statements.
JPA/Hibernate used for all data access.
Authentication/Authorization implemented using a third party provider.
Provides the ability to register a new user
Consumes at least one web service or public api (in addition to those required above) using Java.
Application is database-driven using full CRUD.
Database includes multiple one to many relationships.Deployed to AWS for public access.
Meets the originally defined MVP (minimum viable product)
Implemented: Sign up, sign in, deploy to aws, create and view, call to api, logging.
Missing delete and update on front end. Some MVP not met.
Implements best practices
You highlighted many of the areas for improvement, so I don't see a need to list them here as it seems like you have done a good assessment of current project state.
Some areas for improvment are also identified in checkpoint 3.
There may be some sensitive files that should be removed from github such as the hibernate config
Synthesis of multiple concepts in unfamiliar situations requiring research beyond the scope of the class.
I don't think there were items included beyond those covered in class.
Demonstrates initiative and thoughtful planning to leverage available resources (time, equipment, external expertise) and meet milestones.
Some functionality was not achieved, though I'm not sure of the cause - you were hitting milestones regularly and your time log shows a lot of time committed the project in the time since Checkpoint 3.
Evidence of significant revision and incorporation of feedback.
GitHub history shows a lot of work early and late in the semester with a "lull" in the middle during the team project (which is typical) and vacation. Some feedback was incorporated, with some still outstanding (likely due to time constraints). I think the outstanding items can help form a task list for version 2!
Project is an aggregation of the key topics/exercises from the course, but it has not necessarily come together as a complex, robust solution yet.
Final Presentation
Well-organized, clearly presents problem, and sets the stage for the solution. Thank you for taking care to demo all aspects. Your presentations are always well-done - this will serve you well throughout your career!
Considering putting a demo video on your readme.md so prospective employers can watch it easily.
If you are going to keep the app up and running, also consider adding the deployed app url to the readme.md.
Hi Nate! You did a lot of good work here since checkpoint 3 and have lots to be proud of. It looks like you learned quite a lot this semester and clearly have the ability to assess your own work quite well.
Following are my notes from a review of your presentation and code. In the interest of time, I focused a bit more on areas for improvement rather than kudos - of which many are deserved!
Project effectively utilizes the technologies and techniques specified in the project objectives
Considerations include:
Implements best practices
Synthesis of multiple concepts in unfamiliar situations requiring research beyond the scope of the class.
Demonstrates initiative and thoughtful planning to leverage available resources (time, equipment, external expertise) and meet milestones.
Evidence of significant revision and incorporation of feedback.
Final Presentation
Well-organized, clearly presents problem, and sets the stage for the solution. Thank you for taking care to demo all aspects. Your presentations are always well-done - this will serve you well throughout your career!