nateP82 / compostCollectors

Repo for the compost collection site
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V1 Final Review #6

Open pawaitemadisoncollege opened 1 year ago

pawaitemadisoncollege commented 1 year ago

Hi Nate! You did a lot of good work here since checkpoint 3 and have lots to be proud of. It looks like you learned quite a lot this semester and clearly have the ability to assess your own work quite well.

Following are my notes from a review of your presentation and code. In the interest of time, I focused a bit more on areas for improvement rather than kudos - of which many are deserved!

Project effectively utilizes the technologies and techniques specified in the project objectives

Considerations include:


Implements best practices


Synthesis of multiple concepts in unfamiliar situations requiring research beyond the scope of the class.


Demonstrates initiative and thoughtful planning to leverage available resources (time, equipment, external expertise) and meet milestones.


Evidence of significant revision and incorporation of feedback.




Final Presentation


Well-organized, clearly presents problem, and sets the stage for the solution. Thank you for taking care to demo all aspects. Your presentations are always well-done - this will serve you well throughout your career!