natemoo-re / astro-icon

Inline and sprite-based SVGs in Astro made easy!
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Fails to load some icons #119

Closed ShayanTheNerd closed 1 year ago

ShayanTheNerd commented 1 year ago

Hi and thanks for this good plugin

I was developing this Astro project in which I needed a stack-like icon. So I head over to (BTW, big thanks to @antfu) and found heroicons-outline:rectangle-stack, But when I tried to use it alongside the other icons using the <Icon /> component, it didn't show up. I inspected the icon and found Failed to load "heroicons-outline:rectangle-stack"! title in the SVG tag, as if the name of the icon was wrong or something. I also tested some other icons such as heroicons-outline:circle-stack or material-symbols:full-stacked-bar-chart and the same happened. Something seems to be wrong with the word stack. Anyway, I fixed my problem using conditional rendering since I only needed this one problematic icon, but hope you solve this issue soon.

stramel commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for taking the time to file the issue! I believe this is the same issue as #29. v1 will fix this once we release it.

I'm going to mark this as a duplicate and close it.