natemoo-re / astro-icon

Inline and sprite-based SVGs in Astro made easy!
990 stars 57 forks source link

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'info') #220

Closed antinmaze closed 2 months ago

antinmaze commented 2 months ago

What version of astro-icon are you using?


Astro Info

with the v1.9.2 version, the info command does not exist:
 % npx astro help

   astro  v1.9.2 Build faster websites.

  astro [command] [...flags]

                add  Add an integration.
              build  Build your project and write it to disk.
              check  Check your project for errors.
                dev  Start the development server.
               docs  Open documentation in your web browser.
            preview  Preview your build locally.
               sync  Generate content collection types.
          telemetry  Configure telemetry settings.

   Global Flags 
    --config <path>  Specify your config file.
      --root <path>  Specify your project root folder.
       --site <url>  Specify your project site.
  --base <pathname>  Specify your project base.
          --verbose  Enable verbose logging.
           --silent  Disable all logging.
          --version  Show the version number and exit.
             --help  Show this help message.

If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?

chrome, Firefox

Describe the Bug

After installing astro-icon and creating a /src/icons/plus-circle.svg file I have the following code: `--- const { sectionName, sectionUrl, sectionItems } = Astro.props; import { Icon } from 'astro-icon/components'

<div class="pb-3">
  <h1 class="flex pb-3 text-3xl">{sectionName}
    <a class="add-item  text-gray-700 dark:text-white" href={sectionUrl}>
      <Icon name="plus-circle" />

I have the follkowing issue executing 'npm run dev';

11:55:10 [build] output target: static
11:55:10 [build] Collecting build info...
11:55:10 [build] Completed in 10ms.
11:55:10 [build] Building static entrypoints...
[astro-icon] Could not load virtual:astro-icon (imported by node_modules/astro-icon/components/Icon.astro): Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'info')
 error   Could not load virtual:astro-icon (imported by node_modules/astro-icon/components/Icon.astro): Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'info')
TypeError: Could not load virtual:astro-icon (imported by node_modules/astro-icon/components/Icon.astro): Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'info')
    at logCollections (file:///Users/toto/Workspace/toto-astro/node_modules/astro-icon/dist/vite-plugin-astro-icon.js:46:12)
    at Object.load (file:///Users/toto/Workspace/toto-astro/node_modules/astro-icon/dist/vite-plugin-astro-icon.js:30:17)
    at async file:///Users/toto/Workspace/toto-astro/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/rollup.js:21919:98
    at async (file:///Users/toto/Workspace/toto-astro/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/rollup.js:22858:32)
> astrolus@0.0.1 dev

What's the expected result?

Not having this message "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'info')" which is displayed in the browser

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example

antinmaze commented 2 months ago

upgrading astro to astro v4.7.0 solved this issue using npx @astrojs/upgrade

nemanjam commented 2 months ago

I still get this:

Warning: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticNodeStream() is deprecated. Use ReactDOMServer.renderToPipeableStream() and wait to `pipe` until the `onAllReady` callback has been called instead.
11:02:34 [ERROR] Cannot find module 'virtual:astro-icon' imported from '/home/username/Desktop/'
  Stack trace:
     at nodeImport (file:///home/username/Desktop/
     at eval (/home/username/Desktop/

Adding it to integrations solved it.

import icon from "astro-icon";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [icon()],

But this remains:

Warning: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticNodeStream() is deprecated. Use ReactDOMServer.renderToPipeableStream() and wait to `pipe` until the `onAllReady` callback has been called instead.
antinmaze commented 2 months ago

@nemanjam using manual installation. can lead to misconfiguration. The quick installation command works managing all the configurations. Do not have an issue with the last version "astro": "^4.7.0", "astro-icon": "^1.1.0",