natemoo-re / astro-icon

Inline and sprite-based SVGs in Astro made easy!
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Cache Icons for offline use #82

Closed sean-au closed 1 year ago

sean-au commented 1 year ago

Thanks for creating such a great astro component.

Is it possible to cache icons so site development can continue if the internet cuts out/becomes unavailable?

rehhouari commented 1 year ago

This would be very helpful because even when online fetching fails often making me unable to work on the site (when it fails big squares are used as placeholders) there isnt any other good alternative to this package its perfect beside this problem. currently i turn on vpn to solve this issue but it slows things down.

stramel commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion! We're actually moving away from the API and more towards a build-time package. This is covered in the v1 rewrite (#87).

I'm going to mark this as duplicate of #54 and track there.