nateraw / stable-diffusion-videos

Create 🔥 videos with Stable Diffusion by exploring the latent space and morphing between text prompts
Apache License 2.0
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Trouble loading the model on the Collab notebook #120

Closed anorman07 closed 1 year ago

anorman07 commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

Really excited to start using this amazing script, but having some trouble loading things properly over on the Collab notebook. Got a feeling it has something to do with your admonishment

"Important: You must also go to the model repository and click "Access Repository" so you can download the model."

...which I did not do since I could not locate that option on the Hugging Face model page. Sorry for my ignorance!

Below is the specific error.

Thanks in advance for your help, and for helping to push forward the state of the art!

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in 3 from stable_diffusion_videos import StableDiffusionWalkPipeline, Interface 4 ----> 5 pipeline = StableDiffusionWalkPipeline.from_pretrained( 6 "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4", 7 torch_dtype=torch.float16,

1 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/diffusers/ in from_pretrained(cls, pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs) 514 class_obj() 515 --> 516 raise ValueError( 517 f"The component {class_obj} of {pipeline_class} cannot be loaded as it does not seem to have" 518 f" any of the loading methods defined in {ALL_IMPORTABLE_CLASSES}."

ValueError: The component <class 'transformers.models.clip.image_processing_clip.CLIPImageProcessor'> of <class 'stable_diffusion_videos.stable_diffusion_pipeline.StableDiffusionWalkPipeline'> cannot be loaded as it does not seem to have any of the loading methods defined in {'ModelMixin': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained'], 'SchedulerMixin': ['save_config', 'from_config'], 'DiffusionPipeline': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained'], 'OnnxRuntimeModel': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained'], 'PreTrainedTokenizer': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained'], 'PreTrainedTokenizerFast': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained'], 'PreTrainedModel': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained'], 'FeatureExtractionMixin': ['save_pretrained', 'from_pretrained']}.

nateraw commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #118 - continuing discussion there