nateshmbhat / pyttsx3

Offline Text To Speech synthesis for python
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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engine.say #266

Open Ray94520 opened 1 year ago

Ray94520 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I have another problem I cannot figure out here is my code this is just testing

import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say('I will speak this text') engine.runAndWait()

When I run this it always skips the first word you can't hear it the only way it worked was to put a small word in front of the I followed by a , now when I run it is skips the first word and then announces the whole sentence after ,

What am I doing wrong how do I fix this I tried doing the audio rate and when I slowed down to 50 I can hear everything when I speeded up to 100 for normal voice it skips the first word or I can hear it

Jiangshan00001 commented 1 year ago

which OS are you using? what engine are you using?