nateshmbhat / webbot

Web automation library for simple and easy end to end testing and web browser automation that offers super charged features while keeping it simple to use and master
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[Guide] Running a working version of `webbot` #95

Open pidgeon777 opened 4 months ago

pidgeon777 commented 4 months ago

[!WARNING] webbot library is no longer maintained. A fork is available here.

  1. Clone the fork:
git clone
  1. Fix the file:
diff --git a/webbot/ b/webbot/
index 5bcbe96..38420a6 100644
--- a/webbot/
+++ b/webbot/
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class Browser:
             add_to_init_text_matches_score(self.driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector), 80)

         if xpath:
-            add_to_init_text_matches_score(self.driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, xpath), 100)
+            add_to_init_text_matches_score(self.driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, xpath), 100)

         if not text and tag:
             element_fetch_helper(("//body//{}".format(tag)), score=50)

[!NOTE] By doing so it is possible to call the find_elements function with xpath argument without generating an error.

  1. Install the webbot library:
cd <path/to/webbot>
pip3 install .
  1. Install the latest ChromeDriver version.

pip3 list output:

Package                 Version
----------------------- -----------
attrs                   23.2.0
certifi                 2024.2.2
cffi                    1.16.0
charset-normalizer      3.3.2
h11                     0.14.0
idna                    3.6
outcome                 1.3.0.post0
pip                     23.3.1
pycparser               2.21
PySocks                 1.7.1
requests                2.31.0
selenium                4.17.2
setuptools              68.2.2
sniffio                 1.3.0
sortedcontainers        2.4.0
trio                    0.24.0
trio-websocket          0.11.1
typing_extensions       4.9.0
undetected-chromedriver 3.5.4
urllib3                 2.2.0
webbot                  0.4
websockets              12.0
wheel                   0.41.2
wsproto                 1.2.0

Python version: 3.12.1

Roboxkin commented 4 months ago

Thanks a lot! Thanks to you, now everything has stopped working for me and nothing will start

pidgeon777 commented 4 months ago

Some points:

  1. This guide has been tested on a new (clean) environment and everything worked. I think it is impossible to break everything (?) by just following those steps. The most critical one, for your Python environment, could be the pip3 install . part.
  2. Before doing anything, it is always a good thing to commit/backup. I am not quite sure you did that.
  3. I don't like your attitude. You're stating that "everything has stopped working", but what is "everything"? The search tool? These are simple steps which I don't think will lead to formatting your system.

If you broke something, whatever it means to you, you should at least report exactly what. But if this is your attitude, I don't think I'll spend my time helping.
