nathalislight / NCAT

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Questions about the project #8

Open LowderPlay opened 1 year ago

LowderPlay commented 1 year ago

Hello, nathalislight.  I saw your project of a portable console with ESP32 (SoC) and really liked it. I’ve decided to repeat your device. I have ESP32 WROOM (SoC), dispay, SD-card module and i2S module. I was successful with the assembled version on the prototyping board. It works. My next step is to make a PCB in KiCAD. However, I’m really not fully satisfied with how it all works. Can you help me with my questions on your project, please, for me to go on. Here are the questions: 

  1. When we turn on the console, the display shows the clock. When we turn off the device, clock resets. The RTC-module should be installed to solve this problem. I have one – on DS1307 chip. I wanted to use it in device, but can’t really understand, how I can do this. The GPIO I2C is occupied with the SD-card module. What should be changed in the program code to help this?
  2. The device is good with playing MP3 files. However, sound in games makes me sad. It seems to me that there is a lack of several sound channels. Is it possible to improve somehow?
  3. One more important question. I use SD card module for test version. It is a temporary decision. Later I was planning to repeat the module scheme on the main PCB. The problem is that after reset the device can’t initialize SD card. I tried different SD cards – it didn’t help. Is there any decision for this problem?
  4. Can you tell, what additional options are available on the device? I’d like to make my version with the maximal functionality.
  5. Do you have any raw PCB – can you share? Perhaps it could help me with my PCB version.
  6. Are you planning to update your project? Is the “module” version an outdated one?
  7. Is it possible to display a battery indicator in module version? I saw it is possible in other versions. How can I add this functionality in my version? Thanks a lot for your engineering work. I’m looking forward for your answers and help. IMG_20221107_160047_797.jpg
skyrimXI commented 1 year ago

Thats really nice to hear someone is also have some of my question here, Mainly i did re-creat original Nescat system now am trying to build this new system, and i was planned to design PCB for Nescat but after seeing this upgrade now am planning to do for this system but honestly am just a noob and i dont want fancy feature i just wanted it to be more accesible for more people to experience, so my most important priority is to make it barebone as possible as it can be