nathan-b / colortoggle

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Color Toggle does not work with Firefox 52 #25

Open nathan-b opened 7 years ago

nathan-b commented 7 years ago

Reason currently unknown. Will investigate.

dafarr commented 7 years ago

Workaround that makes Color Toggle work correctly with FF52:

(I googled the error that appeared in Firefox's web-console, and found a fix for the same problem that afflicted another addon. Apparently the nsPreferences interface is obsolete and extensions should now use a different interface. The workaround above restores that interface in FF52.)

nathan-b commented 7 years ago

Thanks so much for your investigation! I hope to release a new version soon that works with FF52+, and this will save me some work. Cheers!

nathan-b commented 7 years ago

Regretfully, that workaround will only help up through FF57. At that time, Color Toggle will no longer work, and there won't be any other workarounds to help.

Reaversword commented 7 years ago

So then, there won't be "color toggle" anymore?.

For me is important enough as to pay for it.

How much would it cost a renewed color toggle version for new firefox system?

nathan-b commented 7 years ago

When you first asked the question (sorry it took me so long to respond, I had to think about it), I thought there was no way to do it.

After thinking further, I believe that although it would require basically a ground-up rewrite, there should be a way to create a new webextension that does more or less what Color Toggle does. It may not work as well as it did before, but it might be better than nothing.

Unfortunately, this comes at a bad time for me personally, as I am less than a month away from moving to a different country. I do not have much free time for writing browser extensions.

I'll see what I can do, but I can make no guarantees.

Reaversword commented 7 years ago

Ok, nathan. If come better times for you, and you can recreate something as color toggle, we will see what can do for you in reward.

As my side, Autodesk Maya and 3d generalist here. If you need something I can do for you, just request it.