nathan815 / TheSwanStation-Issues

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PM and Invisibility change/modify request #61

Open nathan815 opened 8 years ago

nathan815 commented 8 years ago

Originally reported by: Will Smith (Bitbucket: will_smith, GitHub: Unknown)

FishBiscuit2, Tammy and I seem to agree for a change on PM and Invisibility

For PM

All users who are Level 3 or higher can PM ONLY users who are Level 3 or higher. Every user to have a "Block Incoming PM's" checkbox on their profile that once checked you cannot receive PM's from that person.

Please tell me what you think on this. This has been brought forward because of PM being an issue during the past month.

nathan815 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Nathan Johnson (Bitbucket: nathancjohnson, GitHub: Unknown):

Thanks for the idea. I will definitely consider implementing this. And sorry about the very late response.

nathan815 commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Will Smith (Bitbucket: will_smith, GitHub: Unknown):

Invisibility can actually stay as it is if more Levels are implemented into the TSS system.

Also users who are both Invisible can PM each other, say Level 8 and Level 10, Invisibility shouldn't be an issue in that.