nathanaelbosch / ProbNumDiffEq.jl

Probabilistic Numerical Differential Equation solvers via Bayesian filtering and smoothing
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Should we use LinearMaps.jl? #255

Open nathanaelbosch opened 10 months ago

nathanaelbosch commented 10 months ago

Using LinearMaps.jl could have some advantages:

nathanaelbosch commented 10 months ago

A quick benchmark I did:

using Kronecker, LinearMaps, BenchmarkTools, LinearAlgebra
import ProbNumDiffEq as PNDE

D = 100
K1 = Kronecker.kronecker(rand(D, D), rand(D, D));
K2 = kron(LinearMaps.WrappedMap(K1.A), LinearMaps.WrappedMap(K1.B));
K = Matrix(K1);
X = rand(D*D, D*D);
out = similar(X);

@assert mul!(out, K1, X) == mul!(out, K2, X)
@btime mul!($out, $K, $X);  7.464 s (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime mul!($out, $K1, $X);  730.223 ms (20000 allocations: 763.40 MiB)
@btime mul!($out, $K2, $X);  736.059 ms (20000 allocations: 763.40 MiB)

# Now make the left factor a UniformScaling
K1 = Kronecker.kronecker(I(D), rand(D, D));
K2 = kron(LinearMaps.UniformScalingMap(true, D), LinearMaps.WrappedMap(K1.B));
K3 = PNDE.IsometricKroneckerProduct(D, K1.B);
K = Matrix(K1);
X = rand(D*D, D*D);
out = similar(X);

@assert mul!(out, K1, X) == mul!(out, K2, X) == mul!(out, K3, X)
@btime mul!($out, $K, $X);  8.361 s (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime mul!($out, $K1, $X);  473.537 ms (20000 allocations: 763.40 MiB)
@btime mul!($out, $K2, $X);  415.658 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime mul!($out, $K3, $X);  295.632 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
# mine + Octavian.jl:        145.818 ms (5 allocations: 80 bytes)

So basically: LinearMaps.jl prevents allocations and is somewhat faster than Kronecker.jl, but the current custom implementation is much faster, so we shouldn't expect many gains from this in this regard. But implementing $H, A(h), Q(h)$ might still be worthwhile.