Hi I am new to android and nethunter so I am not sure what's going on here but when ever I try and run deADBolt I get an error saying it can't find ADB, and when I check in the kali shell I see it's not installed in NH, this is a fresh install of NetHunter and it looks like the android-sdk manager does not seem to work in Nethunter either. Could you make a install/use guide for deADBolt to assist new users?
Hi I am new to android and nethunter so I am not sure what's going on here but when ever I try and run deADBolt I get an error saying it can't find ADB, and when I check in the kali shell I see it's not installed in NH, this is a fresh install of NetHunter and it looks like the android-sdk manager does not seem to work in Nethunter either. Could you make a install/use guide for deADBolt to assist new users?