nathanboktae / mocha-casperjs

Write CasperJS tests using Mocha
MIT License
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ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process #12

Closed kildem closed 10 years ago

kildem commented 10 years ago

I'm using locomotivejs and this is my test:

var locomotive = require('locomotive'); describe('contact page', function() { before(function(done) { this.server = new locomotive.Locomotive(); this.server.boot(__dirname, 'test', function() { console.log("START"); done(); });

}); it('should show contact a form'); });

and when I run mocha-casperjs I get this problem: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process

/Users/.../fierp/node_modules/express/index.js:2 /Users/.../fierp/node_modules/express/index.js:4

If I run mocha it works.

I see this: but it doesn't help me. How can I fix it? Thanks

nathanboktae commented 10 years ago

You said you saw #7, but you didn't read my response. PhantomJS not Node.js - it supports the same CommonA module loading, but the APIs are different.You can't use locomotive in phantomjs.

You should start your server up probably outside your tests, then just write your mocha-casperjs tests as normal. with'http://localhost:3000/') . You can start a process from within phantom via require('child_process').spawn

kildem commented 10 years ago

thanks for answer

kildem commented 10 years ago

Maybe it is not the best way, but I get the result I wish if I run mocha-casperjs from this file:

var test = function() { try { command = "node web.js"; server = require('child_process').exec(command); //open the browser

   command = "mocha-casperjs test/functional/contact.js";
   myTest = require('child_process').exec(command); //run mocha-casperjs test file

   myTest.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
     if(data.length > 1) console.log(data);

   myTest.on('close', function (code) {
     console.log('process exit code ' + code);

} catch (err){ console.log('Error: ', err);
} };

module.exports = test();

any improvement is greatly appreciated :)

nathanboktae commented 10 years ago

Yup that was my first suggestion. As an aside, I do love JavaScript too, but you could write this with 3 lines of shell script instead of all of that (I think, had to do a bit of Googling)

node web.js & P=$!
mocha-casperjs test/functional/contact.js
trap "kill $P" INT

There are more than hammers in our toolbox :D :scissors:

kildem commented 10 years ago

thanks! I tried your suggestion. the difference is that using my solution with node I get this result: contact page

✓ I am in the home page (8281ms)

- should show contact a form

- should refuse empty submissions
- should refuse partial submissions

- should keep values on partial submissions
- should refuse invalid emails
- should accept complete submissions

1 passing (8s)

6 pending

with your shell script it works well too, the only difference is that I get much more stuff after "contact page" and the result.

anyway yours is a very short solution :)