nathanboktae / mocha-casperjs

Write CasperJS tests using Mocha
MIT License
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'/bin/sh' is not recognized #60

Closed FierstArter closed 9 years ago

FierstArter commented 9 years ago

I'm just trying to run the google testing demo in the demo and I'm having absolutely no luck. I can't even call the --help option.

I've tried installing locally and globally mocha casperjs mocha-casperjs chai casper-chai phantomjs

I'm still pretty new to this whole node thing, so maybe I missed installing something?

Running Windows 7 x 64

nathanboktae commented 9 years ago

are you using mocha-casperjs.bat that's included instead of just mocha-casperjs ? Also npm + cygwin is a world if pain so don't do that if that is your situation.

FierstArter commented 9 years ago

Ok, I think I got what you're talking about but I'm a little confused if this is how I'm suppose to be calling it.

I went into node_modules/mocha-casperjs/bin and ran the mocha-casperjs.bat. It ran fine but it needed a test folder. Which, no problem, I just put the script in there and it worked fine.

I was under the impression that I should be calling mocha-casperjs from the top level? Is this not the case?

Edit: Or should I be calling it from the top level?

Edit2: I'm not using cygwin, no worries there.

Final Edit, I promise: So I'm calling the .bat from the top level but now I'm getting some pretty strange output Also, I'm getting some pretty weird reporting ←[0m←[0m ←[0m Google searching←[0m ←[2K←[0G ←[32m Γ£ô←[0m←[90m should retrieve 10 or more results←[0m←[31m (516ms )←[0m

←[92m ←[0m←[32m 1 passing←[0m←[90m (1s)←[0m

nathanboktae commented 9 years ago

See issue #25

Also, I'm getting some pretty weird reporting

Yeah because none of Microsoft's 10,000 developers on Windows took time in the pass 15 years to add proper color code support to the terminal. You can disable color via -C, or use a 3rd party console like

FierstArter commented 9 years ago

You the man! Thanks for your help.