It seems the folder, where the settings should be stored does not exist when launching the program for the first time after installation on a windows machine.
I don't know, if the problem is related to electron-settings or the installation process of electron-packager.
I inspected the code of electron-settings and it seems, that the call to make sure the settings file exists, is present in has/get/set callstacks.
Sorry, i found the issue. Instead of loading the Settings in the global scope of the main javascript file, you have to do it in the ready event of the electron app.
It seems the folder, where the settings should be stored does not exist when launching the program for the first time after installation on a windows machine.
I don't know, if the problem is related to electron-settings or the installation process of electron-packager.
I inspected the code of electron-settings and it seems, that the call to make sure the settings file exists, is present in has/get/set callstacks.
Did someone experience that issue too?