nathancox / silverstripe-customhtmleditorfield

A couple of hacks to allow per-editor content styles and TinyMCE configurations in SilverStripe 3
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3.1 support #11

Open stevie-mayhew opened 9 years ago

stevie-mayhew commented 9 years ago

There is already the great work of @timsnadden here

Do you think you would be able to cherry pick that across to this repo? I've also emailed @timsnadden in case he can generate a PR :smile:

timsnadden commented 9 years ago

I've create a pull request for using yaml config #12

That being said, I believe that this repo should work in Silverstripe 3.1 as it stands. The differences from my fork are just whitespace and fixes to comment typos (apart from the changes in #12).

nathancox commented 9 years ago

Yeah it does work on 3.1 as-is but apparently I need to get better at remembering to tidy my code before I put it on Github. Anyway I accepted the pull request. Thanks for the interest everyone.

stevie-mayhew commented 9 years ago

Cheers @nathancox and @timsnadden - excellent stuff.