nathandunk / BetterSerialPlotter

A drop-in replacement for the arduino serial plotter
MIT License
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Zoom and pan of plots not saved with config #18

Open dapug opened 1 year ago

dapug commented 1 year ago

Saving and reloading config will remember things like the naming and plot layout you arranged, including whether a plot is set to auto scale. However, if you zoom a non-auto-scale plot (mouse scroll wheel on a plot) and pan the number scale to a specific setting (click and drag up/down), save and reload config, it is LOST. You have to redo your zoom and pan every time on each plot because it's not saved.

nathandunk commented 1 year ago

Hi @dapug, I am not sure that I want to implement this. I think that there are a lot of scenarios where you might end up missing data if you go exactly to where you last panned, especially if you might have zoomed to look at a specific area. So I think I am going to leave this as is for now, unless others are looking for this.