nathandunk / BetterSerialPlotter

A drop-in replacement for the arduino serial plotter
MIT License
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how to compile on windows #23

Open QuadCorei8085 opened 1 year ago

QuadCorei8085 commented 1 year ago

Downloaded the project and VSCode but upon trying to compile it is asking for cpp compiler and no matter what I select either i get an error or project configuration (include errors). I tried mingw and all the things vscode offered.

Is there a guide how to compile this project on windows somewhere (what ide, what compiler) ?

QuadCorei8085 commented 1 year ago

I somehow clicked here and there and VScode did compile the debug build. Still no idea how to debug but achieved what I wanted.

I wanted to add "custom" (standard) 250k baudrate (instead of 256k). Ended up adding a dummy 0th entry to baud_rates then changed the begincombo with an inputint `ImGui::InputInt("", &baud_rates[0], 0, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < baud_rates.size(); i++){
        const bool baud_is_selected = (baud_rate == baud_rates[i]);

        if (ImGui::Selectable((std::to_string(baud_rates[i])).c_str(), baud_is_selected)){

            baud_rate = baud_rates[i];



then i found these discussions with your solution:

Tested mine and yours, they both work on windows 10 with usb-serial adapters.

Still the original question I believe is relevant: how to start after cloning this repo.