nathandunk / BetterSerialPlotter

A drop-in replacement for the arduino serial plotter
MIT License
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add support for comma as field separator #26

Open laserguru opened 1 year ago

laserguru commented 1 year ago

Following this tutorial from the official docs I wrote a sketch that sends a comma in between variables. Indeed, it works fine with the plotter built into the IDE. Furthermore, it conforms to the somewhat standard CSV format. (e.g. the same output can be sent to the plotter and saved to SD resulting in a file readable by spreadsheet programs)

However with commas on BSP I only get the flashing com port field indicating data received, no plots or anything else. However, upon replacing the commas for spaces, it works as expected.

Upon digging I found the official specification for the protocol inside the IDE source. I believe commas should be added to fully conform as a drop-in replacement.

guy1195 commented 1 year ago

+1 for this, easy to add a 'separator' setting and let the user choose whatever they want to separate on.