nathandunk / BetterSerialPlotter

A drop-in replacement for the arduino serial plotter
MIT License
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Custom Start Logging and Stop Logging Buttons; Open Comport; Custom Scaling Option #27

Open devanesanandrews opened 1 year ago

devanesanandrews commented 1 year ago

Nathan First of all Better Serial Plottet is Great for what it comes with.

Adding Few Suggestions on the Logging part for CSV. 1) Logging BPI starts to log everything in the csv file the moment it starts to recieve data.

If we have two buttons for Start Logging and Stop Logging Buttons, we can use it save the values in the desired time than the entire plot.

2) Close Comport Works as expected, How about adding Open Comport.

3) Auto Scale and Scroling for adjusting the scaling works perfectly, if we can add an custom range for scaling option would be great on both x and y axis

Thanks and Regards Deva