nathandunk / BetterSerialPlotter

A drop-in replacement for the arduino serial plotter
MIT License
162 stars 25 forks source link

IM_ASSERT "PushID/PopID or TreeNode/TreePop Mismatch!" with x64, Windows MSVC #6

Closed maleiter closed 1 year ago

maleiter commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to build the BetterSerialPlotter on Windows using Visual Studio 22. When executing, the IM_ASSERT "PushID/PopID or TreeNode/TreePop Mismatch!" fails. A comment states, that this assertion is intended to detect usage errors of ImGui.

Is it possible, that there is actually a usage error of ImGui/mahi-gui?


maleiter commented 1 year ago

I've fixed it in PR

nathandunk commented 1 year ago

This is fixed in this commit.