For yeast, fly and worm, I got the fastas from the individual MODs' download pages. For zebrafish, mouse, rat and human, I got the fastas from RefSeq (making sure to get the right assemblies!). For the GFFs, I got the URLs from (the url is the "s3path" value appended to
[x] get each GFF3 file
[x] create a tabix version of each file (easier to store and faster to retrieve if needed)
[x] get each refseq file
[x] upload refseq for new genome and tabix GFF3 for each track
[x] save and upload that resultant temp file (in docker)
unrelated, but where can I get your original FASTA and GFF3 files? Are you just grabbing most of them through here?
from @scottcain
For each organism I need to (a) create a correct JBrowse directory, (b) provide a valid GFF3.