nathaneastwood / poorman

A poor man's dependency free grammar of data manipulation
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[FEAT] Add `glimpse()` #40

Closed thomas-neitmann closed 4 years ago

thomas-neitmann commented 4 years ago

I tried rerunning the code of my recent blog post using {poorman} upon a request in the comments. Everything worked, except glimpse(). Do you plan on adding this function?

nathaneastwood commented 4 years ago

Oh wow I completely forgot this function even existed! I'll see what I can do :)

thomas-neitmann commented 4 years ago

Wow, that was fast. Thanks a lot!

nathaneastwood commented 4 years ago

Not sure I’m entirely happy with it. It’s quite simply a wrapper around str which is actually what glimpse.default does anyway. The {tidyverse} devs do some fancy stuff for data.frames but I’m a poor man and I don’t have access to that stuff. That being said, str actually adds a dependency on {utils} which I’m not happy about since I believe there are some OSes which don’t ship with all R “base” packages; you literally just get {base}. Therefore I may look to add my own version of str at some point, we’ll see.

jangorecki commented 4 years ago

It is safe to assume utils is available on any non-artificial configuration of R. install.packages comes from utils.

nathaneastwood commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification @jangorecki.

It might be nice in the future to make an attempt at writing a nicer version of glimpse() specifically for {poorman} similar to the new {terse} package by @coolbutuseless.