nathangrigg / vim-beancount

Vim ftplugin for beancount
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How different is vim-beancount from vim-ledger? #55

Open alerque opened 5 years ago

alerque commented 5 years ago

Hey! I have recently stepped in to help maintain and develop the vim-ledger plugin. One of the things I'm interested in doing for it is expanding it from it's original mission of working with ledger-cli to also work well with hledger. This is not a radical shift, but it does require a few tweaks to the syntax highlighting to pick up some alternate forms, and also tweaking the way it runs shell commands for each engine.

I don't actually know a lot about the beancount ecosystem, but as I've started working I got to wondering: just how different is Beancount's syntax and the things this plugin does (or people would want it to do) from what (h)ledger does? Would in be possible to converge development on the vim plugin side of things and support all three syntax variants and commands out of the box? Or are there more radical differences that would make such an undertaking a conflict of interest that wouldn't be good for either plugin?

tbm commented 4 years ago

I'm not the author of this vim plugin but beancount syntax is much more different compared to ledger than hledger vs ledger (which only differs in minor ways).