nathangrove / ng-snow

Angular2+ starter application for ServiceNow integration
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404 when trying to upload runtime #8

Open nathangrove opened 6 years ago

nathangrove commented 6 years ago

There is a 404 that occurs when trying to upload runtime.js

nathangrove commented 6 years ago

As mentioned in #1 by @chrisjau It sounds like your npm run setup command failed to create the runtime.js file. Do you happen to remember if that command gave a success on the creation of that file? You might want to rerun npm run setup. Be warned, this could cause damage to your scoped app. If you do not have anything else in that app in ServiceNow, you might want to delete it out of ServiceNow entirely and then rerun the npm run setup to recreate it.

chrisj-au commented 6 years ago

I don't have the original console log so I recreated everything from scratch and it deploys fine. Ghost in the machine. thanks anyway.