nathanhi / pyfatfs

Python based FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 implementation with VFAT support
MIT License
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Support FAT12/FAT16 disks without extended signature #1

Closed akx closed 4 years ago

akx commented 4 years ago

If the BootSig field isn't 0x28/0x29, we shouldn't try to verify BS_FilSysType.

Found this out via the Excel 5.0 floppies over at (which don't all work even with this fix).

nathanhi commented 4 years ago

First of all: Sorry for the delay! Seems like I completely missed the notification! Thanks for your contribution, amazing!

Yes, FAT12 support needs some further love, that's something I planned before releasing 1.0.0.

Extended boot signature. (Should be 0x29[5][6][7][28] to indicate that an EBPB with the following 3 entries exists (since OS/2 1.2 and DOS 4.0). Can be 0x28 on some OS/2 1.0-1.1 and PC DOS 3.4 disks indicating an earlier form of the EBPB format with only the serial number following. MS-DOS/PC DOS 4.0 and higher, OS/2 1.2 and higher as well as the Windows NT family recognize both signatures accordingly.)

Seems like something that should be kept in mind for further development. The current implementation completely relies on Microsoft EFI FAT32 File System Specification v1.03 and I haven't yet thrown a bunch of random disk images at it yet.

nathanhi commented 4 years ago

@akx Would you mind telling me, which disk images and/or operations were problematic for you? I was able to list the files in all disk images I tried so far:


Have you been trying the Mac formatted disks? In that case I don't think they are FAT formatted

akx commented 4 years ago

@nathanhi Ugh, it's been a while, I can't really remember. Did you try to read the data too?

I ended up using mtools' mcopy for extraction in the end (for

nathanhi commented 4 years ago

Yes, I tried listing directories as well as accessing files / comparing SHA256 checksums:


mtools is a perfect solution if you don't need it portable without installing extra binaries. In case you want to give pyfat another whirl, let me know if you still encounter issues / feel free to open up an issue. Thanks again for your contribution!