nathanjhood / Biquads

Simple two-pole equalizer with variable oversampling.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 1 forks source link

Development/wip/biquads_audio_processor #80

Closed nathanjhood closed 6 months ago

nathanjhood commented 6 months ago

Testing biquad processor array with ranged 'for' loops, unique_ptr ow…

@nathanjhood nathanjhood committed 15 hours ago fixed branches diverging and fixed clang build fails

@nathanjhood nathanjhood committed 14 hours ago Using unique ptr for processor wrapper and parameters ownership

@nathanjhood nathanjhood committed 12 hours ago Wrapped process wrappers and parameters into unique_ptrs

@nathanjhood nathanjhood committed 2 hours ago JUCE leaked object detector asserting on biquads class...

@nathanjhood nathanjhood committed 1 hour ago Merge pull request from nathanjhood/wip/biquads_processor

@nathanjhood nathanjhood committed now