I running your library on Raspberry 3 B+ (Raspbian os).
I have 4 Poweredup Hub, with 4 train motors connected to port A of each hub.
I put to power on all 4 hubs and start scanning with this portion of code:
let red_train = null;
let blue_train = null;
let green_train = null;
let yellow_train = null;
let iHubCount=0;
console.log("Start scan...");
poweredUP.on("discover", async (hub) => {
await hub.connect();
if (iHubCount==4){
if (iHubCount==3){
//scan for new hub
if (iHubCount==1){
//scan for new hub
if (iHubCount==0){
//scan for new hub
//if (hub.name=="Gianluca"){
// hub.setLEDColor(9);
console.log(`Connected to ${hub.name} (${hub.uuid})`);
sLog += `Connected to ${hub.name} (${hub.uuid})\n`;
//hub.on("disconnect", () => {
// console.log(`Hub ${hub.name} (${hub.uuid}) disconnected`);
// sLog += `Hub ${hub.name} (${hub.uuid}) disconnected\n`;
I want to assign a different color to each hub, in order of 'connect' event.
For first two hubs, the color are set right. For others hubs, remaining white.
If i set color, later, from another function, the LED color change correctly.
What i wrong?
Another question: what do you think is the best way to look forward to new hubs without first having to power on (all together) and then launch the scan?
I want to start scanning when Raspberry boot up and rest in waiting that 1, 2, 3 or 4 hubs, powered in different moments.
If you look the portion of the code i have try to call poweredUP.scan() after each hub connection.
it work, but sometime don't find the new hubs powered
I running your library on Raspberry 3 B+ (Raspbian os). I have 4 Poweredup Hub, with 4 train motors connected to port A of each hub.
I put to power on all 4 hubs and start scanning with this portion of code:
I want to assign a different color to each hub, in order of 'connect' event. For first two hubs, the color are set right. For others hubs, remaining white. If i set color, later, from another function, the LED color change correctly. What i wrong?
Another question: what do you think is the best way to look forward to new hubs without first having to power on (all together) and then launch the scan? I want to start scanning when Raspberry boot up and rest in waiting that 1, 2, 3 or 4 hubs, powered in different moments.
If you look the portion of the code i have try to call poweredUP.scan() after each hub connection. it work, but sometime don't find the new hubs powered