nathankellenicki / node-poweredup

A Javascript module to interface with LEGO Powered Up components.
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Devices not connecting to Duplo Base #185

Open pdekeulenaer opened 4 months ago

pdekeulenaer commented 4 months ago


I am trying to get this library to work with my son's Duplo HUB. It seems to detect and connect to the hub just fine, but I never manage to detect the motor, or any other device.

I've done some debugging and best I can tell the hub simply doesn't have any attached devices.

const PoweredUP = require("node-poweredup");
const poweredUP = new PoweredUP.PoweredUP();

poweredUP.on("discover", async (hub) => {
        console.log(`Discovered ${}!`);
        await hub.connect();

        console.log(`Battery level: ${hub.batteryLevel}`);
        console.log(`Ports: ${hub.ports}`);

       if (hub instanceof PoweredUP.DuploTrainBase) {
                console.log('Its a duplo train!');
                console.log('Waiting for motor');
                let devices = await hub.getDevices();
                let motor = await hub.waitForDeviceByType(PoweredUP.Consts.DeviceType.DUPLO_TRAIN_BASE_MOTOR);

The motor promise never resolves unfortunately. I found an old related issue that said to stop the scanning but that does not seem to fix my issue neither.

When I inspect the output of console.log(hub) I see that the attachedDevices array is empty. Similarly, when I print the content of devices, it's an empty list.

How do I get them to attach?

Debenben commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately I do not have a Duplo hub. Can you share the log you get with your script? Activating additional debug logging like

export DEBUG=*hub
node myscript.js

or in windows powershell

$env:DEBUG = '*hub'
node myscript.js

might be helpful and also the version of node-poweredup and hub.firmwareVersion. Do you have other lego hubs, do those work? There is an undocumented function hub.manuallyAttachDevice(deviceType: number, portId: number) which you could try, it probably creates a different error but it could help to find the cause of the issue.

pdekeulenaer commented 4 months ago

I am running it on a Raspberry Pi 5.

Node version v18.20.2 Node-poweredup 9.0.0 Hub firmwareVersion: 1.6 Hub hardwareVersion: 1.0

I don't have any other HUBS to test with. I did try an online script a few weeks ago that used node-poweredup that managed to control my Duplo Train; though I cannot seem to find it back to troubleshoot.

This is the output of the debug debug.log

Will try to manual attach function now

Edit: the manualAttach function works like a charm for the motor! Probably still worth digging into it more to figure out why the default behavior isn't working

Debenben commented 4 months ago

Thank you for sharing the logs.

Your hub does not send Hub Attached I/O messages. Maybe they get lost somwhere, Duplo Train never did or you have a new firmware version?

For my TechnicHub it looks like this, note the received messages starting with 0f 00 04... where 04 is

$ export DEBUG=*hub
$ node examples/leds.js
Looking for Hubs...
  technicmediumhub Discovered Control+ Hub +0ms
  technicmediumhub Connecting to Control+ Hub +1s
  lpf2hub LPF2Hub connecting +0ms
  lpf2hub Sent Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 05 00 01 02 02> +875ms
  lpf2hub Sent Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 05 00 01 03 05> +192ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 32 01 17 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10> +101ms
  basehub Attached device type 23 (HUB_LED) on port HUB_LED (50) +0ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 3b 01 15 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10> +4ms
  basehub Attached device type 21 (CURRENT_SENSOR) on port CURRENT_SENSOR (59) +2ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 3c 01 14 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10> +1ms
  basehub Attached device type 20 (VOLTAGE_SENSOR) on port VOLTAGE_SENSOR (60) +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 3d 01 3c 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10> +1ms
  basehub Attached device type 60 (TECHNIC_MEDIUM_HUB_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) on port undefined (61) +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 60 01 3c 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00> +2ms
  basehub Attached device type 60 (TECHNIC_MEDIUM_HUB_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) on port undefined (96) +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 61 01 39 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00> +1ms
  basehub Attached device type 57 (TECHNIC_MEDIUM_HUB_ACCELEROMETER) on port ACCELEROMETER (97) +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 62 01 3a 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00> +39ms
  basehub Attached device type 58 (TECHNIC_MEDIUM_HUB_GYRO_SENSOR) on port GYRO_SENSOR (98) +40ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 63 01 3b 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00> +2ms
  basehub Attached device type 59 (TECHNIC_MEDIUM_HUB_TILT_SENSOR) on port TILT_SENSOR (99) +2ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0f 00 04 64 01 36 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00> +1ms
  basehub Attached device type 54 (TECHNIC_MEDIUM_HUB_GEST_SENSOR) on port undefined (100) +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 09 00 01 03 06 00 00 00 11> +1ms
  lpf2hub Sent Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 05 00 01 04 05> +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 09 00 01 04 06 00 00 00 08> +96ms
  lpf2hub Sent Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 05 00 01 05 02> +1ms
  lpf2hub Sent Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 05 00 01 06 02> +98ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 06 00 01 05 06 61> +1ms
  lpf2hub Sent Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 05 00 01 0d 05> +99ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 06 00 01 06 06 64> +1ms
  lpf2hub Received Message (LPF2_ALL) <Buffer 0b 00 01 0d 06 90 84 2b 69 41 1c> +100ms
  lpf2hub LPF2Hub connected +0ms
  technicmediumhub Connect completed +2s
Connected to Technic Hub!

At the end of your log there is a "Hub Will Switch Off" out of nowhere, followed by a connection attempt, I guess it was shut-down by pressing the button and has nothing to do with this issue.

pdekeulenaer commented 4 months ago

Thanks for helping me here. The "hub will switch off" comes indeed from a button press.

After further experimentation I can't get the HUB_LED or the SPEAKER to work, even if I manually attach them. I don't really get any (decipherable) error messages neither.

Any further debugging I could do?

Debenben commented 3 months ago

@pdekeulenaer Were you able to solve the problem? If I had to take a guess I would say has an issue with the bluetooth stack of the raspberry pi 5.

Things you could do:

Maybe @alin256 or @nathankellenicki have a duplo hub and can help?

alin256 commented 3 months ago

@Debenben, I only tried it with Mac OS, but it worked well with the Duplo hub after some updates (it was a while ago and I do not recall what solved the previous issues.)

Please check my fork where I played with Duplo Hub and see if it helps.

Unfortunately, I did not find time to finish it and create a PR.

pdekeulenaer commented 3 months ago

I managed to get it to work in the end, just had to figure out the correct port to send the command to. As I couldn't discover the services, it took a bit of digging into some other libraries but ended up with the right config (port 0 for motor, 1 for sound, 17 for light). With these I got my solution to work.

I'll see if I can try the fork to see if this resolves it more structuraly