nathanl / authority

*CURRENTLY UNMAINTAINED*. Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very little fancy syntax; just group your models under one or more Authorizer classes and write plain Ruby methods on them.
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Allow resource to specify the authorizer by class #45

Closed mguymon closed 11 years ago

mguymon commented 11 years ago

Add the ability to define the authorizer by class, such as

self.authorizer_class = GreatAuthorizer

in addition to

self.authorizer_name = "GreateAuithorizer"

This will allow runtime classes to be used as the Authorizer.

For my scenario, we have a authorizer generator that tweaks the authorizer at runtime for each class.

nathanl commented 11 years ago

For my scenario, we have a authorizer generator that tweaks the authorizer at runtime for each class.

I'm having a hard time picturing your use case and would love to hear more about it if you care to explain.

For instance:

mguymon commented 11 years ago

The Rails app extensively uses STI, so a Content model will be subclassed into Article, SlideShow, etc. Authorized actions to the model also depends on a workflow (Article is approved by an Editor, so it can now be Read by a User). The ContentAuthorizerGenerator creates an Authorize class with configurations for the specific model being used. The authorizer is generated once for each model based on app's runtime config:

include Authority::Abilities
self.authorizer_class = ContentAuthorizerGenerator.create(Article, opts)
nathanl commented 11 years ago

I see. Well, the pull request is merged! I'll try to release a new version soon; in the meantime you can point your Gemfile to the merge commit on Github if you want.