nathanl / authority

*CURRENTLY UNMAINTAINED*. Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very little fancy syntax; just group your models under one or more Authorizer classes and write plain Ruby methods on them.
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Controller action authorization not checked unless specifically adding authorize_actions_for #89

Closed westonganger closed 10 years ago

westonganger commented 10 years ago

It seems to me that the authorizations are not being applied unless I specify authorize_actions_for Model

In the documentation it says it should automatically apply it unless I needed a more specific configuration.

nathanl commented 10 years ago

Your Rails controllers won't automatically restrict any actions. Even if we could automatically determine that the FooController should authorize_actions_for Foo, I think that would be undesirable, because users wouldn't always want that behavior. Eg, engines like Devise or Dossier would have their actions restricted unexpectedly, and you'd have to work to undo it.

Does this update make the documentation clearer?

westonganger commented 10 years ago

I would mention something about the controller part in the beginning of the Wiring it Up section of the readme maybe after User and Model. It could be short and sweet just like those two code blocks.

nathanl commented 10 years ago

I looked back over it, but I'm going to keep the current order for now; the order is based on the hierarchy in the "Contents" section, and I think it makes the most sense to discuss the pieces the controller logic depends on before showing usage in the controller.