Collecting PIL==1.1.7 (from -r win_requirements.txt (line 4))
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL==1.1.7 (fro
m -r win_requirements.txt (line 4)) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for PIL==1.1.7 (from -r win_requirements.t
xt (line 4))
(stitch) E:\BrDownloads\Stitch-master>pip install PIL
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Ple
ase upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A fut
ure version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2
support in pip, can be found at
Collecting PIL
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from versi
ons: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for PIL