nathanmarz / storm-deploy

One click deploy for Storm clusters on AWS
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public-key-path in ~/.pallet/config.clj seems to be ignored #3

Closed jatrost closed 11 years ago

jatrost commented 12 years ago

I have ssh keys that may be named a little non standard (e.g. key.pem and and when I setup my ~/.pallet/config.clj with the full path to these keys there was a FileNotFoundException because it could not find "". It seems that the public-key-path is not used and the private key name + ".pub" is used instead. I was able to get this working by creating a soft link from to, but this seems to be a bug. I am not sure if this is a bug in storm-deploy, pallet, or jclouds...

lorcan commented 11 years ago

Yes, this is a pallet problem. From the requirements in the wiki:

Public and private key paths for setting up ssh on the nodes. The public key path must be the private key path + ".pub" (this seems to be a bug in pallet). On Linux, you should have a null passphrase on the keys.

I'd suggest we close this issue.

jasonjckn commented 11 years ago

upgraded to pallet 0.7.3, this should be fixed.