nathanmarz / storm-deploy

One click deploy for Storm clusters on AWS
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`lein deploy-storm` stalls #37

Closed xpe closed 11 years ago

xpe commented 11 years ago

The lein deploy-storm ... command "stalls" towards the end.

After showing the following messages, it isn't doing much. I don't know if I should kill it.

Is this a bug in lein deploy-storm?

lein deploy-storm --start --name my-cluster --release 0.8.2


DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
INFO  provision - Attaching Complete.
INFO  provision - Provisioning Complete.
DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
INFO  provision - TAG:     zookeeper-my-cluster
INFO  provision - PUBLIC:
INFO  provision - PRIVATE: 10.99.999.9
DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
INFO  provision - TAG:     nimbus-my-cluster
INFO  provision - PUBLIC:  54.999.9.999
INFO  provision - PRIVATE: 10.999.999.99
DEBUG compute - >> listing node details matching(ALWAYS_TRUE)
DEBUG compute - << list(5)
INFO  provision - TAG:     supervisor-my-cluster
INFO  provision - PUBLIC:  184.99.999.999, 23.99.999.99
INFO  provision - PRIVATE: 10.99.999.999, 10.999.999.999
gworley3 commented 11 years ago

I also frequently see this issue. I haven't investigated what the cause is but just killing the process seems to be fine so long as you wait until it gets to this point and is at the real end, so that workaround should be fine in the mean time. However I agree that it's a bug.

tbatchelli commented 11 years ago

It seems to be some issue with leiningen. We could call System.exit() at the end to force it to quit, but I don't think this is a good solution. I am investigating.


On Jul 13, 2013, at 6:33 AM, G Gordon Worley III wrote:

I also frequently see this issue. I haven't investigated what the cause is but just killing the process seems to be fine so long as you wait until it gets to this point and is at the real end, so that workaround should be fine in the mean time. However I agree that it's a bug.

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Antoni Batchelli Founder