nathanmarz / storm-deploy

One click deploy for Storm clusters on AWS
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Update version of com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.* #55

Open jpivarski opened 10 years ago

jpivarski commented 10 years ago

Using storm-deploy out of the box (on an old JRE 1.6.0_45), I encountered a known bug in jsch.agentproxy that prevented me from deploying a cluster. Here's a reference to the jsch.agentproxy bug-fix:


             [com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.usocket-jna "0.0.5"]
             [com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc "0.0.5"]
             [com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.sshagent "0.0.5"]
             [com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.pageant "0.0.5"]
             [com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core "0.0.5"]
             [com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.jsch "0.0.5"]

I changed all of the "0.0.5" to "0.0.6". The next cluster I launched brought in the new version of jsch.agentproxy and everything ran as expected.

Even if the bug is only made manifest by my old version of Java, it's still worth keeping the dependencies up to date. (Note that the "0.0.5" -> "0.0.6" version update only touches this one issue.)