nathanmarz / storm-deploy

One click deploy for Storm clusters on AWS
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Always launching m1.small instance on EC2 #67

Open maxime-menant opened 10 years ago

maxime-menant commented 10 years ago

Hi :)

I have an issue with the EC2 Instances deployed... I set my clusters.yaml to:

nimbus.image: "us-west-1/ami-827252c7"         #64-bit ubuntu
nimbus.hardware: "m3.large"

supervisor.count: 2
supervisor.image: "us-west-1/ami-827252c7"         #64-bit ubuntu on eu-west-1
supervisor.hardware: "c3.xlarge" 1.60

zookeeper.count: 1
zookeeper.image: "us-west-1/ami-827252c7"         #64-bit ubuntu
zookeeper.hardware: "m3.large"

But it always launch m1.small instances... I updated the project.clj to use [com.palletops/pallet-jclouds "1.7.3"] but nothing changed.

Debug logs:

DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-west-1/ami-827252c7, hardwareId=m3.large})
DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-west-1/ami-827252c7, hardwareId=m3.large})
DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-west-1/ami-827252c7, hardwareId=c3.xlarge})
DEBUG compute - <<   matched image(us-west-1/ami-827252c7) hardware(m3.large) location(us-west-1)
DEBUG compute - <<   matched image(us-west-1/ami-827252c7) hardware(c3.xlarge) location(us-west-1)
DEBUG compute - <<   matched image(us-west-1/ami-827252c7) hardware(m3.large) location(us-west-1)
DEBUG jclouds -   options {:image-id "us-west-1/ami-827252c7", :inbound-ports (6627 22)}
DEBUG jclouds -   options {:image-id "us-west-1/ami-827252c7", :inbound-ports (6700 6701 6702 6703 22)}
DEBUG jclouds -   options {:image-id "us-west-1/ami-827252c7", :inbound-ports (2181 22)}
DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-west-1/ami-827252c7})
DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-west-1/ami-827252c7})
DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-west-1/ami-827252c7})
DEBUG compute - <<   matched image(us-west-1/ami-827252c7) hardware(m1.small) location(us-west-1)
DEBUG compute - <<   matched image(us-west-1/ami-827252c7) hardware(m1.small) location(us-west-1)
DEBUG compute - <<   matched image(us-west-1/ami-827252c7) hardware(m1.small) location(us-west-1)

Do you have any idea ?


maxime-menant commented 10 years ago

I'm using the "install-0.9.1" branch by the way.

asfakAtGithub commented 10 years ago

I think the reason is your chosen instance is of m1.small. Ref:

jrcrawfo commented 10 years ago

I'm having this same issue. Did you every get it resolved? I've tried with different images but still no luck. Other images actually revert down to m1.micro most of the time. I'm trying to launch m1.large or m3.large instances but I can't get it to launch them. Any help/advice?


msegel commented 10 years ago

I forget where in the YAML but you can specify the hardware size.

On Jun 26, 2014, at 9:44 PM, John Crawford wrote:

I'm having this same issue. Did you every get it resolved? I've tried with different images but still no luck. Other images actually revert down to m1.micro most of the time. I'm trying to launch m1.large or m3.large instances but I can't get it to launch them. Any help/advice?


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jrcrawfo commented 10 years ago

Hi! It's the conf/clusters.yaml file. However, no matter what hardware I put in there, it always launches m1.small instances. See below for my clusters.yaml file. [EDIT: I'm also using the install-0.9.1 branch]


nimbus.image: "us-east-1/ami-d726abbe"         #64-bit ubuntu
nimbus.hardware: "m1.large"

supervisor.count: 2
supervisor.image: "us-east-1/ami-d726abbe"         #64-bit ubuntu on eu-east-1
supervisor.hardware: "m1.large" 1.60

zookeeper.count: 1
zookeeper.image: "us-east-1/ami-d726abbe"         #64-bit ubuntu
zookeeper.hardware: "m1.large"
bbende commented 9 years ago

Has anyone come up with a solution to this issue? I am seeing the same problem with the install-0.9.1 branch, always end up with m1.small instances.

The logs show it searching for m1.large.... DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-east-1/ami-3c994355, hardwareId=m1.large}) DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-east-1/ami-3c994355, hardwareId=m1.large}) DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-east-1/ami-3c994355, hardwareId=m1.large}) DEBUG compute - << matched image(us-east-1/ami-3c994355) hardware(m1.large) location(us-east-1) DEBUG compute - << matched image(us-east-1/ami-3c994355) hardware(m1.large) location(us-east-1) DEBUG compute - << matched image(us-east-1/ami-3c994355) hardware(m1.large) location(us-east-1)

but then later it searches with hardware type and chooses a m1.small... DEBUG jclouds - options {:image-id "us-east-1/ami-3c994355", :inbound-ports (6700 6701 6702 6703 22)} DEBUG jclouds - options {:image-id "us-east-1/ami-3c994355", :inbound-ports (6627 22)} DEBUG jclouds - options {:image-id "us-east-1/ami-3c994355", :inbound-ports (2181 22)} DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-east-1/ami-3c994355}) DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-east-1/ami-3c994355}) DEBUG compute - >> searching params({imageId=us-east-1/ami-3c994355}) DEBUG compute - << matched image(us-east-1/ami-3c994355) hardware(m1.small) location(us-east-1) DEBUG compute - << matched image(us-east-1/ami-3c994355) hardware(m1.small) location(us-east-1) DEBUG compute - << matched image(us-east-1/ami-3c994355) hardware(m1.small) location(us-east-1)

I've tried a few different AMIs, but same result.