nathanmarz / storm-deploy

One click deploy for Storm clusters on AWS
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Changing the region doesn't work #79

Open jkeilson opened 9 years ago

jkeilson commented 9 years ago

Changing the region in the .pallet/config.clj doesn't seem to work. I tried both of these lines: :jclouds.regions "us-gov-west-1" :location {:location-id "us-gov-west-1"} (found in the jclouds pages) and both resulted in the following:

ERROR logging - Exception in thread "main" ERROR logging - POST HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized (form-init7517205461496562199.clj:1) This is expected, my credentials are for the govcloud region. Per the jclouds documentation, I need to set a specific variable: ctrl-f govcloud Is that possible with storm-deploy?