nathanpjones / GaragePi

Overengineer your garage door with your Raspberry Pi!
MIT License
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Install script error. Pip is ending Python 2.7 support. #15

Open SWiT opened 3 years ago

SWiT commented 3 years ago
#### What's Wrong When using the online install script I get the following. It looks like pip is killing off support for Python 2.7. No easy fix that I could find. Those python3 format strings and other python3 only syntax is peppered through out the pip code. Calling the setup script... mode of 'setup/' changed from 0644 (rw-r--r--) to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) ------------------- Installing GaragePi ------------------- Installing pip... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 24244, in File "", line 199, in main File "", line 82, in bootstrap File "/tmp/tmpy2ZHCX/", line 60 sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: {exc}") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax #### Environment Info **RPi Model**: RPi0W **OS Release**: RPiOS lite 2020-01-11

Service Status:

Unit garagepi.service could not be found.

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