nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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When clicked or popover datetimepicker then HH:mm changed mm to 00 #1057

Closed gottenwit closed 2 years ago

gottenwit commented 2 years ago

Hello @nathanreyes

When selected time with minute then trigger minute reset to "00"


Chrome Warning The specified value "Invalid Date" does not conform to the required format. The format is "HH:mm", "HH:mm:ss" or "HH:mm:ss.SSS" where HH is 00-23, mm is 00-59, ss is 00-59, and SSS is 000-999.



              class="inline-block h-full"
<template v-slot="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
       <input class="bg-white border px-2 py-1 rounded" :value="inputValue" v-on="inputEvents" />
Borna-f commented 2 years ago

Up vote. I have a similar issue in vue 3 too.

Borna-f commented 2 years ago

Update: seems like there is some issues with some yarn.lock materials. I had a working copy before so downgrading some stuff on yarn.lock solved the issue for me.

But this is a workaround. Not sure if there exists an actual solution. Everything is in beta/alpha version in regard to vue 3 so not sure what is causing the issue and if there can be a solution. If so, it would be great.

With what I have I don't even need to import the style (import "v-calendar/dist/style.css").

metadorm commented 2 years ago

Same here, I've encountered this in alpha-7 and alpha-6. mode="dateTime" might be the cause.

metadorm commented 2 years ago

This problem is fixed for me in alpha-8.

nathanreyes commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed with 3.0.0-alpha.8. I can re-open if needed.