nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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Nuxt.js helpers integration #138

Open Erigers opened 6 years ago

Erigers commented 6 years ago

I am having issues integrating with Nuxt. Currently, I added it as a plugin in the build, but it's throwing an error when I try using v-date-picker.

[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <v-date-picker> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.

found in

---> <SmallComponent> at components/smallCalendar.vue
         <Homepage> at pages/homepage.vue
             <Default> at layouts/default.vue

Apparently it's failing to recognise the children components of the package. Any idea how can I fix it?

nathanreyes commented 6 years ago

I'm able to use the plugin on the landing page, which is running on nuxt at the moment.

Is something like the following in your nuxt.config.js?

  plugins: [{ src: '~/plugins/v-calendar', ssr: false }],

...with the following in v-calendar.js

import Vue from 'vue';
import VCalendar from 'v-calendar';

..then when using you need to wrap in <no-ssr> tags, which it looks like you are doing already.

Erigers commented 6 years ago

That is exactly what I've used, but the error is shown when I use v-date-picker.

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

@Erigers did you got it working? For me its the same, have no idea why.

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

forgett it, I needed to restart nuxt for some reason.

jdm85kor commented 5 years ago

I hope this post helps.

mauchchhash commented 4 years ago

I temporarily fixed it. Here are my relavant files: In the plugins/v-date-picker.js:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VDatePicker from 'v-calendar/lib/components/date-picker.umd';
Vue.component('v-date-picker', VDatePicker)

In the nuxt.config.js:

  src: "@/plugins/v-date-picker",
  ssr: false

and then I used <v-date-picker> tag inside <no-ssr> or <client-only> tags:

                    placeholder: 'Please select your pickup date.',
                    id: 'pickup-date',
                    required: true,