nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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available-dates property alternative for v-calendar v3.1.1 #1390

Open TadasMil opened 8 months ago

TadasMil commented 8 months ago

My calendar use-case is to present X amount of available dates to be selected within a month. After the migration from v-calendar v2, I kinda can't find anything related to available-dates alternative for v3.x.x version from the documentation. Is the available-dates deprecated? What's the alternative to it? By the way, huge kudos to the devs!

TadasMil commented 8 months ago

I resolved my issue using disabledDates property:

disabledDates: [
      start: null,
      end: null,
      repeat: {
        on: [
          (days) => === 10,