nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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DatePicker: The position of the popover arrow does not change when the popover position changes #1402

Open Daniil-Zaitsau opened 8 months ago

Daniil-Zaitsau commented 8 months ago

Version: 3.1.2


The calendar popover can change its position depending on how much space is available to display it. However, if the position of the popover is changed, the position of the arrow does not change. The problem can be reproduced, including in the examples from the documentation:

Default state image

After scrolling, the popover moves, but some classes and attributes are not updated image


If you have also encountered this problem, perhaps this solution will help you:

    <DatePicker ref="datePicker" :popover="popoverConfig"></DatePicker>

import { DatePicker } from "v-calendar";

export default {
    components: { DatePicker },
    data() {
        return {
            popoverConfig: {
                modifiers: [
                        name: "updateDirectionModifier",
                        enabled: true,
                        phase: "afterWrite",
                        fn: this.updateDirection,
    methods: {
        updateDirection({ state }) {
            if (state) {
                this.$refs.datePicker.popoverRef.direction = state.placement.split("-")[0];