nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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The styles of the component doesn't work #1403

Open Ricciflows opened 8 months ago

Ricciflows commented 8 months ago

I followed the instructions to use v-calendar, but there is a problem with the style of the component.



Compared to the usual one, the styles of the fonts and buttons of my VCalendar are broken. image

Here is my code.

<script setup>
import VCalendar from 'v-calendar';
import 'v-calendar/style.css';

const selectedColor = ref('teal');
const isDark = ref(false);


Here is what I saw in my browser. image


I tried to import the CSS file in the official website.


Then it fixed some problems, but conflicted my UI Library.

l3nemy commented 6 months ago

Related to #1327