nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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[Question] How to access the V-Calendar instance to get the current month displayed #1429

Open lessainspasorchies opened 6 months ago

lessainspasorchies commented 6 months ago


There are a lot of grey areas in the docs, but a lot of digging and code reading helped me get where I wanted to be except 1 thing:

Edit: I understand I can trigger a new fetch request with the @update:pages event, but I still haven't found where to extract the current month from the Page object/array to allow passing that as a parameter or query in my fetch request

lessainspasorchies commented 6 months ago


Don't know if this is the best way, but I have created a ref on the VCal instance, load the initial view containing 'today' (sync) then refetching my data when the vcalendar ref is available (async).

      :initial-page="{ month: today.getMonth() + 1, year: today.getFullYear() }"
      @update:pages="() => refresh()"

<script setup lang="ts>
   import { Calendar as VCalendar } from 'v-calendar';
   import type { AttributeConfig } from 'v-calendar/dist/types/src/utils/attribute';
   import type { Page } from 'v-calendar/dist/types/src/utils/page';

   const today = new Date();
   const vcalendar = ref<typeof VCalendar>();

   const currentPage = computed(() => {
      if (vcalendar.value && vcalendar.value.pages[0]) {
      return vcalendar.value.pages[0] as Page;

   const { data: attributes, error, pending, refresh } = await useFetch<AttributeConfig[]>(
   () =>
      (currentPage.value?.month as number) ?? today.getMonth() + 1
      }&year=${(currentPage.value?.year as number) ?? today.getFullYear()}`