nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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Prevent popover from hiding after day selection before time selection #1471

Open martinshaw-wawdbd opened 1 month ago

martinshaw-wawdbd commented 1 month ago

Please would you advise me and/or suggest an alternative to resolve this seemingly common issue.

When I select a day on a datetime type DatePicker, the popover hides before I am able to select a time value.

This automatic behaviour persists even when the popover prop is set to false and I implement showPopover and hidePopover manually.

Is there a prop or popover configuration which I can use to avoid this?

I have attempted to reimplement the popover functionality using my Vue 3 Popper and VCalendar, but it doesn't seem to allow for type datetime.

martinshaw-wawdbd commented 1 month ago

Related issue:

pennmeg commented 3 weeks ago

Would like to +1 this request; as we are also looking for a way to support this.